
How do non-woven bag manufacturers achieve the waterproof function of non-woven bags?


Generally speaking, when the non-woven bag is produced, the printing process has silk screen or offset printing, and the two printing processes have no special changes to the non-woven fabric. For eco-friendly ink printing, the pattern printed by the eco-bag after washing is washed away. Non-woven film is a production process different from screen printing. It is characterized in that the printed pattern can achieve photo-level effect and can print various complicated color patterns. It is covered on the surface of the non-woven fabric. The layer PP film, so that the non-woven fabric is also greatly improved in terms of firmness, and the non-woven fabric can also be waterproof, and the printed pattern on the surface is not discolored by washing. Therefore, the actual effect of this layer is the film. The environmentally friendly bags that we usually use are not faded and waterproof, and it is largely due to its role in this.

Therefore, the waterproof function of the non-woven bag is realized in this way, so it is a good choice for people.

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